Lens Flare filter is an effect that’s been so over used over the years, it’s become something of a cliché in digital illustration. Until now, photo filters have been limited to what someone else has created for you. Enlight - Optical Digital Flare helps you easy to create thousands personal lens flare photo filter with only one touch on a button. Through an endless combination of colors, blends and textures to create stylish effects like vintage, light leaks, gritty textures and high contrast black and whites.
You can tweak the colors and intensity by using the slider controls, and position the effect using the three touch points on the screen to create the perfect photo filter.
Save your custom filters using the Favorite button and start building your unique filter library - your go-to filter toolbox. With no limit to the number of filters or the looks that you can create, you’ll have a perfect filter to beautify any and all of your photos.
And as soon as you got the result, sure you want to share it immediately to your friends. A sharing screen has been integrated to help you easy to do it.
Inspire your inner artist. Enlight - Optical Digital Flare - infinite lens flare filters designed by you.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">镜头光晕过滤器是一直这么过使用多年,它已经成为数码插画一些老生常谈的效果。到现在为止,照片过滤器被限制到什么别人已经为您创建。微启 - 光纤数字耀斑可以帮助您轻松地创建成千上万的个人镜头光晕照片滤镜,只有一个触摸一个按钮。通过对色彩,混合和纹理无尽的结合,创造出像老式的,漏光,坚韧不拔的纹理和高对比度的黑色和白色的时尚效果。
使用收藏夹按钮保存您的自定义过滤器,并开始构建独特的过滤库 - 你去到过滤工具箱。由于没有限制的过滤器,或者你可以创建看起来数量,你就会有一个完美的过滤器来美化你的任何照片和所有。
激发你内心的艺术家。微启 - 光纤数字耀斑 - 由你设计的无限镜头光晕滤镜。</div> <div class="show-more-end">